Here I am half way around the world with half a day difference in clock time between VN and my home in NY. I always manage to forget just how long the trip takes. And I can never quite wrap my head around the fact that the US government sent more than 2 million men and women, plus all the helicopters, tanks, weaponry and supplies this distance to sustain 10 years of what is known here as the American War.
So I've settled into my little $10 a day room, with a view of the rooftops of Saigon, rested and ready to see my friends at Peace Village tomorrow. I find myself wondering if some of the children who were there last year might be gone now. The severity of their medical conditions precludes the option of adoption for most. So I realize that those who are missing will have most likely passed from this physical realm at some point in time during the 330 days while I was...half a world away.